About the West Texas Homeless Network
Our Mission
The West Texas Homeless Network is a local group of organizations and advocates taking action to realign systems and resources to end, rather than manage, homelessness in Abilene, Texas.
Using data-driven methods, we are changing how our homeless response system works and proving homelessness doesn't have to be an inevitable but heartbreaking reality.

A Local Homeless Coalition
WTHN is neither a non-profit nor a for-profit agency. We are a Local Homeless Coalition responsible to the Texas Homeless Network (THN), a non-profit membership-based organization helping communities prevent and end homelessness through collaboration and strategic planning.
THN leads local and national advocacy, data collection and research, and hosts an annual conference. It also serves as the host agency for the Texas Balance of State Continuum of Care (CoC), coordinating programs and funding to support homelessness solutions across Texas.
WTHN Leadership
Jenny Goode, Committee Chair - jgoode@bettyhardwick.org
Nathan Adams, Committee Vice Chair - nathan@pioneerdrive.org
Bridget Cloud, Committee Secretary - bcloud@bettyhardwick.org
Michelle Parrish, Committee Treasurer - mparrish@cfabilene.org
Courtney Horton, CE Point Lead, Abilene Hope Haven - chorton@abilenehh.onmicrosoft.com
Mark Young, CE Point Lead, BCFS-HHS - my4475@bcfs.net
John Meier, CE Point Lead, WCTRF-SSVF - jmeier@westcentraltexas.org
Joshua McKain, CE Point Lead, The Salvation Army of Abilene - joshua.mckain@uss.salvationarmy.org
John Meier, CEPE Chair - jmeier@westcentraltexas.org
Elizabeth Henry, Housing Navigation Chair - eehenry@hendrickhealth.org
Michael Prado, Data & Outreach Co-Chair - mprado@goodwillwesttexas.org
Jeff Scott, Data & Outreach Co-Chair - scott.jeff@mcm.edu
Abbey Linn, Public Relations & Marketing Chair - alinn@bettyhardwick.org